Training has begun for the Michigan Aikido Club. We will meet every Wednesday from 5-6pm at the Fitness Center in Tecumseh, Mi. The practice is led by Danny Kline, a student of Jay Weik Sensei. His teacher, William Gleason Sensei (author of "The Spiritual Foundations of Aikido") studied with Seigo Yamaguchi Sensei and Mitsugi Saotome sensei, both direct students of the founder O Sensei Morihei Ueshiba.
Anyone 15 years or older is welcome to attend. No membership to the Fitness Center is required. The facility simply requires a small mat fee of $10 per class (reduced if enrolled in full 8 week session) which includes use of the entire center for the day.
Fitness Center 703 E. Chicago Blvd., Tecumseh, Mi. 49286 517.424.3399